Knuckles can be categorized into three sub-classes plus one special sub-class based on their Double Punches and Super Slashes. Low punch (16 ): lunging strike at the ankle Spinning punch (18 ): rapid swing at the head
Straight punch (11 ): rapid jab at the head The exception to both is the Pneumo Fists, which grants a Double Punch and cannot trigger the perk. Technical note: knuckles weapons have identical attacks to the barehanded moveset but grant a Super Slash, and they therefore can trigger the Martial Spirit perk and lack a Double Punch. Their attacks deal very high damage, have very fast speed but very short range, and, with the exception of their super slashes, are performed with minimal movement. Knuckles are low-profile fist-fitted weapons wielded in pairs that are designed to augment the damage of normal punches.